Sami Barrit
I like to think about intelligence—how it emerges, evolves, and operates at its best. As a neurosurgeon, I have the privilege of contemplating the brain firsthand while tending to my patients. This is made possible by technologies born of human ingenuity, realized through relentless experience, collective intelligence, and purposeful mastery. Pursuing this, I combine intense clinical practice with original research to explore new frontiers. I strive to create humane and intelligent systems that connect people and ideas, serving needs and aspirations. In this spirit, I envision science as open and decentralized, driving fair and inclusive progress.
Collective intelligence for neuroscience.
Neuroscience-inspired AI.
Belgian junior doctors union.
Safeguarding doctors.
LLMs for biomedical applications.
AI for emergency medicine.
⌄I split my time between the grey skies of Brussels and the azure seas of Marseille—joining the Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes (INS, UMR1106—INSERM/CNRS/Aix-Marseille Université). I'm always happy to exchange ideas, whether through informal conversations or research collaborations. I often give talks and courses, prioritizing academic and nonprofit initiatives that produce free educational resources. My industry consulting focuses on translational and open-source projects.
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⌄This is a selection of recent publications. View my complete publication list on ORCID