• I'm a neurosurgical trainee, fascinated by the emergence of intelligence—be it human, artificial, or systemic. My deep interest in cybernetics and engineering further shapes my perspective. I try to travel life as an intentional flâneur, exploring diverse ideas grounded in core values. To me, the ultimate elegance of a theory is effecting tangible change in the real world.

  • • Epilepsy surgery: from computer to scalpel.

    • Interfacing the brain: robotics, devices, and materials.

    • Artificial Intelligence, particularly large language models.

    • Open and decentralized science.

    • Occupational management & social justice in medicine.

  • • Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

    • Université Paris-Est (Paris XII)

    • Délégation des Médecins Francophones en Formation (DeMeFF)

    • Consciense/Neurocore

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